Movie Summer

I’ve had the opportunity to watch more movies this summer than usual, so I figured I’d share some reviews:

Barbie - I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I was glad that it wasn’t Fast and the Furious 48 or Indiana Jones 19, but it was confusing. Was it an adult movie? If so, why was it marketed toward children? And I didn’t see that Barbie had a true character arc. The funny adult jokes did make me laugh, but I was concerned by the ending seeming to imply there’s a Ken movie coming. Please, I hope not. Still, it was a decent enough movie and I was glad to have watched it.

Oppenheimer - This was an interesting movie about an intriguing topic that I recommend those who love historical fiction or “inspired by” movies, but some parts of it were a bit confusing. The movie bounced around a lot in time, and it was hard to keep tack of where we were on the calendar. I also felt the movie could have dwelled a bit more on Oppenheimer’s “bad side” for better movie effect. Other than that, though, this was a very good movie and kept my attention completely, all three hours of it.

Blair Bronwyn

Award-winning author



