About Jane Eyre

It seems I’m the only one who struggles to understand why Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre loved Mr. Rochester.

The story itself goes on and on about what an awful man he is, but I found nothing in the book (or reviews) that would explain why Jane loved him. Besides the obvious, locking his wife away, Mr. Rochester is described as:

  1. verbally abusive,

  2. financially irresponsible,

  3. ugly,

  4. manipulative, and

  5. treating others with disregard.

I’m completely baffled, why would any young woman be attracted to this guy? And the author doesn’t share any other features about Mr. Rochester that would make him likable, much less lovable.

At best, in the end, Mr. Rochester becomes weak and feeble, and apologizes for being an a—hole, but this can’t be enough of a basis for love, can it?

Put another way, do we, as a society, want our girls falling in love with every mess that comes along once they become needy?

Blair Bronwyn

Award-winning author


It’s My Own Fault!


Fun Fact