It’s My Own Fault!

I’m in the middle of reading a couple books and not ready to review, so I thought I’d share this “funny” from my home:

(Daughter tries to walk out the door wearing an Itty Bitty top for school.)

Me: No! You are not wearing a BRA to class! Go change.

Daughter: But my friend is picking me up! I don’t have time to change!

Me: Well you better move fast.

Daughter: Everybody else wears this!

Me: Good for them!

(Daughter disappears into her room, then comes out wearing another Itty Bitty - one that’s just as small as the first - and tries to leave.)

Me: Are you kidding?!? You are not wearing that!

(Daughter huffs and protests again, and finally changes into a barely allowable top that still shows some midriff, and I let her go to school.)

Son, 20 yrs old, who watched the whole thing go down: You know this is your fault, right? You’ve always told my sisters they can do anything and be anything, and they shouldn’t follow silly rules made up by the patriarchy!

Me (in my head): So my kids do hear me sometimes….

Blair Bronwyn

Award-winning author


How Will You Watch?


About Jane Eyre