While finishing up A Warhorse Fallen, I’m also roughing out the ideas for a couple of screenplays to write in 2024, and I’m really inspired by the classics.
I won’t say which one, but there’s one story that has really caught my eye, because I can see it happening in the near future here in the US, even though the book was written in the 19th century.
We are facing a convergence of events that will make 19th century events realistic in the mid-21st:
First, with the economy, the US - and the world, really - is moving quickly toward a state in which the Haves will live off the fruit of AI labors and their legacy incomes from today, while the Have Nots will be stuck picking scraps from the crumbling streets, dodging falling bridges, and hiding from the natural disasters humans caused.
Second, mixed in there is the takeover of the US by religious extremists, who have already begun to impose their religious law on citizens. As but one example, the Texas legislature is pushing for the 10 Commandments to be displayed in all public schools. That bill is currently sleeping because the lawmakers didn’t get around to voting on it, but make no mistake - they will revive it. And let’s not forget, the Bible does sanction slavery…
Third, Delaware is currently in the process of granting corporations the right to vote. Yeah, not a joke.
So you put those things together, and we’ll have some weird happenings.