Father’s Day 2024

My late father inspired a lot of my writing. He was a flawed man. An alcoholic who seemed to often fall on the wrong side of the law and, shamefully, sometimes let his violent side through. It wasn’t always good. Despite that, I still have fond memories of my time with him, especially long days following him through the fields of the hobby farm where I grew up. And I had no trouble forgiving him when he asked me to. After all, I knew that he had been forced to the streets when he was 13 years old. Just a child.

We all deal with our past trauma in different ways. My father turned to alcohol, and that had serious consequences for his children. I still, even though he has been gone for nearly 30 years, wonder what kind of father he would have been if he had not been dealing with the demons he had.

This year, in his memory, I’m offering all of my books (eBook format only) for free, starting June 12th and ending on Father’s Day, June 16th.

Blair Bronwyn

Award-winning author


“Main Street”