Why I Wrote Forbidden Woman
[T]here is one thing I have learned over the years: Man is afraid of Woman. So afraid that he must restrict her access to Education, Wealth, and Land, and He must regularly degrade Her to deny Her of the most basic of human needs: the need for peaceful rest when She closes her eyes.
The words above were “written” by my lead character, Lucille Wilkes, in Forbidden Woman. I wish this quote only applied to the historical setting of the book, but, unfortunately, it applies just as much today as it did back in the 1950s. History is repeating itself!
In the book, Lucille refuses to accept the roles men decide women can have. She is ruthless, unforgiving, and bitter. I wrote Forbidden Woman as a reminder: American women are losing ground faster than ever, and if we don’t take action, we will soon find out we’ve lost the chance for good.